Kim Collmer is an interdisciplinary artist working with animation, film and visual arts. Currently living in Cologne, she grew up in both the US and Germany. She received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Sculpture. Here she developed her first animations combined with installation. Since then, she has expanded her work to include experimental video, collage and painting. Prior to receiving her MFA she earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees at the University of Washington in Art History and German Area Studies. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Collmer has taught at the School of the Art Institute, the University of Arts Berlin and the University of Arts Bremen, and was Guest Professor at the University of Applied Arts Schwäbisch Hall, and has taught and lectured at various other schools. She has screened her films worldwide including the Ann Arbor Film Festival, the Arsenal Cinema in Berlin, Tricky Women Animation Festival in Vienna, Lausanne Underground Film Festival, Glastonbury Festival, Haus der Kultur der Welt, Berlin and many more. She curated screenings at the Directors Lounge Film Festival in Berlin for many years. Her artwork has been shown in North America, Europe, and Australia, notably at White Columns in New York. Her animations have been described as having "an epic sweep" by the New York Times and she has been compared to Alexander Calder for her films' childlike charm by the New Yorker.
Kim Collmer ist eine interdisziplinäre Künstlerin, die mit Animation, Film und bildender Kunst arbeitet. Sie lebt derzeit in Köln und ist in den USA und Deutschland aufgewachsen. Sie erhielt ihren MFA an der School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Bildhauerei. Hier entwickelte sie ihre ersten Animationen in Kombination mit Installationen. Seitdem hat sie ihre Arbeit auf experimentelle Videos, Collagen und Malerei ausgeweitet. Vor ihrem MFA-Abschluss erwarb sie zwei Bachelor of Arts an der University of Washington in Kunstgeschichte und German Area Studies. Sie ist Mitglied von Phi Beta Kappa, einer US-amerikanischen Ehrengesellschaft, die herausragende Leistungen im Bildungswesen auszeichnet. .
Collmer unterrichtete an der School of the Art Institute, der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Hochschule für Künste Bremen, war Gastprofessorin an der Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Schwäbisch Hall und lehrte und dozierte an verschiedenen anderen Schulen. Ihre Filme wurden weltweit gezeigt, u.a. beim Ann Arbor Film Festival, im Kino Arsenal in Berlin, beim Tricky Women Animation Festival in Wien, beim Lausanne Underground Film Festival, beim Glastonbury Festival, im Haus der Kultur der Welt, Berlin und vielen anderen. Viele Jahre lang kuratierte sie Vorführungen beim Directors Lounge Film Festival in Berlin. Ihre Arbeiten wurden in Nordamerika, Europa und Australien ausgestellt, unter anderem bei White Columns in New York. Ihre Animationen wurden von der New York Times als "von epischem Ausmaß" beschrieben, und der New Yorker verglich sie wegen des kindlichen Charmes ihrer Filme mit Alexander Calder.

MFA, Sculpture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2001
Post-Baccalaureate, Art & Technology, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1999
BA with Honors, University of Washington, Art History, 1992
BA with Honors, University of Washington, German Area Studies, 1992, graduated Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Solo or two-person exhibitions and screenings(selected)
2024 Seattle Art Fair lecture and exhibition with Sara Moriyasu at the Grocery Studios
2024 Film Installation at Club Eigelstein for the exhibition Komplimente by Thyra Schmidt, curated by Anne Schülke
2021 Carried Landscapes- curated conceptual exhibition at the Quartier am Hafen with over 60 artists
2020 Solo Film Presentation, Directors Lounge, Berlin
2019 Spaces real or imagined, Q18 Galerie, Cologne
2017 Lines dividing…, with Lars Kreyßig, Q18 Galerie, Cologne
2017 Solo Film Presentation, Temporary Gallery, Cologne
2016 Conquering Place with Jennifer Hope Davy, Q18 Galerie, Cologne
Film Presentations and Festivals- Selection 2024-2007
Indy Film Library Annual Screening 2023, Filmhuis Cavia, Amsterdam / Happy Valley Film Festival, Award Finalist / Best Animation Audience Award, Ce l'ho Corto Film Festival, Bologna / Lausanne Underground Film Festival / Citric Signals / Independent Days 21 International Filmfestival in Karlsruhe / G Underground Film Festival / Festival Miden, Greece / Stockholm Experimental Animation Festival / Geelong International Film Festival / Federation Square, Melbourne/ Anthology Film Archives, New York- AWX Screening / Dortmunder Tresen Festival / Animationen- Loops and Projections, Kunstverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf / Ann Arbor Film Festival/ The Screening Room, Solo Presentation, Temporary Gallery, Köln / Artist Television Access, San Francisco / College Arts Association, Chicago Cultural Center / Tricky Women Animation Festival, Vienna / Lange Nacht den Museen, Düsseldorf Filmmuseum / Directors Lounge Film Festival, Berlin / Iota Center, UCLA, Los Angeles / Loop Festival, Barcelona / Trampoline Urban Screens: BBC Screens; Glastonbury Festival; Melbourne City Center; Nottingham; Tokyo / Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibition / University of Chicago / 20th Instants Video Festival, Aix-en-Provence, France / Némo: International Biennial of Digital Arts, Paris
Group Exhibitions- Selection 2024-2007
Human Resources, Los Angeles / Art Piq Showroom, Susanne Neuberg Gallery Duesseldorf / Wasser, Bethlehem Kirche, Meerbusch / Schaufenster, Berlin / KUNSTHALLE, Weißensee, Berlin / Mentoring Program Exhibition, Universität der Künste, Berlin / Köln um halb acht, Temporary Gallery, Köln / Kreuzberg Pavilion, Berlin / Bronx Art Space, New York / Surface Tension: the Museum, Kitchener, Canada; World Science Festival, Eyebeam, New York; Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin / Newton Art Center, Massachusetts / Museum of New Art, Detroit / Tracing Mobility, Haus der Kultur der Welt, Berlin / Temporary Space, Houston / Gallery 801, New York / Boot’s Contemporary Arts Space, St. Louis / Post-Cinema, RMIT University, Melbourne / Arizona Museum for Youth, Tucson / Platform Animation Festival, Pacific Northwest College of the Arts, Portland
Awards and Honors (selected)
2023 Medien- und Filmstiftung NRW, Low Budget Förderung (20.000 Euro)
2020-25 Städtische Atelier / City Studio, Kulturamt, Köln
2020 Mikrostipendium, Frauenkulturbüro NRW
2019 Best Animation, Geelong Intl' Film Festival, Australia
2019 Second Place, Bilderbeben Film Festival, Bielefeld, Germany
2016 Städtische Atelier / City Studio, Kulturamt, Köln
2016 Kultur und Schule, Film und Neue Medien, NRW
2015 Mentoringprogramm, Universität der Künste, Berlin
2012 Artists with Children, 5000 Euro Grant, Frauenkultur Büro & Ministry of Culture, NRW, Germany
2007 1. Preise, Flik International Festival of Moving Images
2005 Nominee, Rockefeller Film & Video Grant
2001 Albert Murray Fellowship
1998 Post-Baccalaureate Scholarship, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1992 Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
In the Hollow, 16mm short film/installation film, 2023 / Mischpoke #1, music video, 2022 / Arise, Shine, short film, 2021 / Eröffnung, Rhein, music video, 2020/ Too Big to See, short film, 2020 / Conquering Place, short film, 2019 / Der Dicke Heinrich (Big Heinrich), animation, 2019/ Silver Seeds, animation, 2018 / I before not I, music video, 2017 / The Conversation, short film, 2013/ Almost There, short film, 2013/ Headroom, animation, 2011 / the Lighthouse, short film, 2011 / the Water that Danced, short film, 2010 / Postcards from the Deep, experimental/ animation, 2010 / Danger in the Streets of the Sky, VJ set, 2007 / Berlin Skin, animation, 2007 / the Pin Ups, installation film, 2007 / Camera in a Glass Bowl, short film, 2007 / Lichtwelten, short film, 2006/ Pod, experimental/ animation, 2006 / The Fold, animation, 2005 / Mercury Moon, animation, 2001 / Stars of the Lid, animation, 2001 / Warm Jets, animation, 2000 / Portal, animation,1999 / Big Sky, short film,1999
CONTACT: kim.collmer at gmail.com Atelier located at Quartier am Hafen, Cologne